I am always happy to read stories about cats being rescued. Recently, I came across some articles about cat rescues. Let’s take a look and them, together, shall we?

First, we have an article that is actually seven years old. But the stories are so beautiful. And they fit the topic (rescued cats) of this post puuuurfectly!

“147 Powerful Before & After Pics Show How Rescue Can Change A Cat”

This article talks about cats like: “Justin, Fire Survivor”, “Mr. Biscuits Tried To Get Warm In A Car Engine…” (this sadly happens all too often), “Little Kitty Was Found Drenched In The Cold Rain”, “Spyder Was Found In The Drain By A Kind Guy Who Gave Her A Forever Home”, “Oliver Was Rescued From Abusive Owners”, “Tommy Had Been Poisoned, But He Was Found On The Street And Slowly Became Better”, “Tango On The Euthanasia List At The Local Shelter Because Of His Skin Issues”, and many more…

Next up, there is a catastic article about 8 cat adoptions.

“8 Cat Adoption Stories That Will Make You Smile”

Nabi the Sewer Cat in Korea – Nabi was stuck and living in a sewer for two months. While apartment residents would feed the cat, they had no way of getting Nabi out as the sewer opening was only 5cm long.

Go to the article with her story here. See the video here: Kitten Meets The World Only Through The 5cm-Wide Gap

April the Playground Cat – his little kitten lived in a playground and was wary of humans who went by. Luckily, Brad, who styles himself as the Crazy Cat Man, patiently gave her food and water daily until she was ready to be touched by human hands.

Go to the article with her story here. See the video here:

Finally there is website Meow Cat Resque, with lots of great Cat rescue stories!

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We Love Cats Forever
We Love Cats Forever

This website is about everything cats and for cat lovers to share their love of cats with the world!